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@locclo: Is the US seriously so puritanical that they can't stand students watching a high school film in high school?! I'm not a particular Superbad fan, but it was shown to us in pre-highschool and absolutely no-one batted an eyelid. I guess it can be described as a bit raunchy, but it's nothing compared to the stuff the average high-school student has seen in their day-to-day life. We watched American Pie (which I don't like) in middle school, and the teacher didn't mind.

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Thank you for the recommendations. Upon looking into it, I don't think my computer could handle As Dusk Falls, 428: Shibuya Scramble is very expensive and is linear and I think 999 is only on handhelds (which I don't own).

Steins; Gate probably has the best story out of all the games you recommended, and to be honest, it's probably the best one overall as well. However, that anime stuff (specifically the example you gave, but it sounds like the game is peppered with that stuff) makes me feel very uncomfortable and makes me cringe incredibly hard. It's the main reason I feel like I can't watch anime, not because it's embarrassing for the characters, but because I'm embarrassed by the thought the creator could possibly think I find those scenes funny or enjoyable. I'll keep the game in mind, since I've heard a lot of people recommend it, but I don't think I'll buy it when there are so many great games to play. Maybe if I receive it as a gift from someone since I like time travel stories and don't mind that it's romance focused (even though it's not what I'm looking for). I appreciate the recommendations, and understand that we just have different tastes, with mine being very, very niche.

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Thanks for the great review @yyninja! I had my eyes on the game, but felt like the price was ridiculous and the backgrounds seemed sort of bland, so I'll wait on it for now.

Do you have recommendations for other non-dating focused virtual novels? I really like choice games and being able to influence the story as well as reading (I really like gamebooks and Choose Your Own Adventure type books), but I don't like anime tropes and sexual content (I'm asexual and it brings me right out of it). Dating is okay if it's in moderation and serves the story, but I would prefer if it wasn't the focus. I also really like having truly branching paths (think the Stanley Parable) rather than one clear throughline interspersed with some side endings.

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Seeing Abby and Dan together made me really miss Vinny. They have such a good rapport.

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Very happy about the direction the site is going in. This is a good gang of duders.

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@brian_ said:

Huh... Well... this is certainly a weird birthday present.

Happy birthday @brian_!

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Edited By Nuttism

I knew nothing about the Supernatural fandom before this episode and am actively antagonistic towards memes, but that clip of the angel saying "I love you" followed by the SIMS --social indicator appearing around the brother is some of the funniest stuff I have seen in ages.

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@xenolon: I know this is mean and should probably be deleted, but it still got a chuckle out of me.

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@heatdrive88: It's a good tweet, and I personally adore Tam. He is my favourite part of the crew despite not technically being on it and is consistently hilarious. However, I don't feel good about the way he dunks on the (probably) kid with the tweet. Based on the other person's responses (including on the thread) I'm pretty sure s/he is autistic or has difficulty communicating with people. I get that it's annoying when someone is bothering you about something you don't care about, and it makes for a good tweet, but I wish Tam had been a bit more empathetic as a lot of people are dunking on the kid in the replies. Then again, being mocked for your mannerisms or for being "weird" is a sore spot for me.

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@kyary said:

This is a real "you got peanut butter in my chocolate" situation, huh?

This seems a lot more polished than What the Dub?! which I have on the switch, and the Rifftrax tie in is a little bit like them finally getting to do the thing they were shooting for the first time.

I really like the amount of options they have, but the presentation looks pretty cheap here. There isn't a defined style as with most other Jackbox-likes and some of the art feels like something from Flash. I'm also not a big fan of the second mode, but then again I dislike LOL-random humor, including Cards against Humanity.

Personally, I think it's a shame that Use Your Words didn't even get a mention. That game pioneered using movie clips in a Jackbox-like and I much prefer using ridiculous foreign films where you add subtitles to having a text-to-speech program read the text out loud and pausing the clip if it gets too long. It brings me right out of it. I also really like Use Your Words's presentation; The music in the newspaper segment is great. The main problem with that game is its lack of flexibility, especially as the rounds are really long compared to most other games of the type.

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