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  • mrblarg posted a message on the post 830: Muddy Buddies.

    At first I thought my premium lapsed, then I came here and thought it was a joke

  • mrblarg posted a message on the post 07-09-2013.

    Fuck Ryan Davis (❤️)<>

  • mrblarg posted a message on the post 07-09-2013.

    Goddamn. I once got a single line reply from Ryan in 2010 and I still think about it. I love the current bomb crew, but Jesus. There will never be another Ryan Davis.

  • mrblarg posted a message on the post GrubbSnax 48: Grubb's Big Move, TCL Speculation, and the Continued Chip Shortage.

    I just so happened to be watching this video essay about OS bloat and it reminded me of what Jeff was saying about cartridges vs storage cards and I have an answer:Cards run on an OSCartridges are an...

  • mrblarg posted a message on the post 021.

    Long time ago I was on a site and we had a saying: “You still have to jack off a horse.”Still true with hamsters, I guess.

  • mrblarg posted a message on the post 736: Gritty Gex Reboot.

    They had a sad bastard cover of Smells Like Teen Spirit in Black Widow and it was especially dumb.Also I feel Neil Cicireaga is the Millennial Wierd Al. It’s not the same thing, but they share similar...

  • mrblarg posted a message on the post The Very Online Show 13: Daily Twitter Vibes.

    @lemonator: Exactly! There is but one Thursday meme.

  • mrblarg posted a message on the post The Big PlayStation 5 Reveal.

    @noblenerf: word.

  • mrblarg posted a message on the post The Big PlayStation 5 Reveal.

    I came in late and saw the basketball guy with the airpods and was like "he is totally 3d rendered". Rewatching it and Brad mentioned that people in chat were saying the same thing. Is it just weird v...

  • mrblarg posted a message in the forum topic Dead Games You Miss. on the General Discussion board

    Battlefield: Bad Company 2 with my regular crew. It was the best.

  • mrblarg posted a message on the post Thor: God of Thunder.

    Posting post-Endgame. If, in 2011, you had said to me "Thor will be a fun character and a Guardian of the Galaxy" I would have acted like I understood and then found a way to leave and tell a grownup...