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I have now gotten the Platinum Trophy so I will stop playing until/unless they do an expansion of some sort.

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#3  Edited By MooseyMcMan

@atheistpreacher: @nodima: I want to say the trade off of Warfarer is supposed to be that you have lower overall stats than a more focused vocation. Or at least I read/heard that somewhere online before playing the game, I haven't done the research to see if it's true.

I also, in the time since writing the original blog (which thank you both for reading and commenting on!), have actually unlocked the Rearmament skill, and spent some time as a more proper Warfarer...and it's still underwhelming. My only idea was to try to replicate the Magick Archer from the first game, and while it is neat and useful to switch between melee and ranged on the fly, even with just two weapons three skills isn't enough. And a lot of these skills are highly specific, so they're only really useful in certain situations (like the daggers one that just does a ton of damage if you're climbing on an enemy), so those are often the most powerful but harder to justify equipping over something more generally useful when you're trying to find good stuff to equip from multiple vocations. Or maybe the move is to only go for that highly specialized stuff, I dunno!

It's probably too much to hope that maybe they rebalance it, or add a different better version of Warfarer in the expansion I'm still hoping they're doing, but who knows! It's a great idea that feels like they were too scared to let it be too good, and they still wanted people to have reasons to use the specific vocations instead.

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@efesell: Yeah, exactly. That's why I'm still positive about Infinite Wealth's story on the whole. I had fun with it! It's probably still middle of the pack-ish in terms of the main narrative, but that's middle of the pack for a series that aside from my least favorites, I love a lot!

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@peezmachine: You know, in my write up I said I enjoyed the story, and I did, absolutely, but when you start actually thinking about it a lot of it does kinda fall apart. Maybe the many hours I'd spend doing side quests, or on Dondoko Island helped me gloss over its flaws in the moment. Or maybe the fact that I spent so much time on that stuff instead of the main story says more about what's the best part of the game.

Still I think, far from the worst story this series has had, but absolutely far from the best too. Hopefully next time they can do both, and then maybe we'll have the true best of the series.

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@manburger: Thank you so much! And if I had any idea I would write this much about it, and that Garland Quest would make for sure a fun story to tell, I would've taken some more shots from the latter part. I have something like 600 screenshots from across the game, but lots of them are just like, here's a pretty sunset, or here's a particularly goofy line of dialog.

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@noboners: There's kind of a two fold problem with returning to BotW. One being that for the DLC specifically, since I played that game on Wii U I'm not sure I could at this point. They shut the Wii U store down, right? I'd have to rebuy the game on Switch, AND the DLC, and with Nintendo's prices I really would rather spend that money on a game I haven't played before, even if it is a game I know I love.

The other problem being that as much as I do still love BotW in my heart, I feel like going back to it from all the improvements TotK made would be, well, tough but also probably tough in an interesting way. The sort of thing where if I was being paid to write about games maybe I'd do it for the Content, but since I'm not I doubt I will.

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@bed: You know I always appreciate when I can convince people to try games I like, especially when it's one they already own!!

And yeah, the fact that there are so many cash grabs, that's one of the reasons why I want to spread the word about games that are clearly the exact opposite.

Also you've reminded me that I gotta play those RE4 and Dead Space remakes, which thankfully seem like the sorts of games that understand what made the originals so good.

And thanks for reading!! <3

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@bed: No matter what happens, we're all in this together. <3

And I'm always happy when me writing about a game I like can lead others to support and play them!!

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@bed: Thank you!!!! <3 I mostly write this stuff just for my own personal...I dunno, just getting the thoughts out of my brain so they stop rattling around in there, but it really means a heck of a lot to know that my writing means something to you too. And I'm super glad when my thoughts lead you to games that I hope you'll enjoy too!

You also win the award for bed friend of the year!

Also there were a couple awards I considered saying you were presenting (like the cones one) but that felt weird without consulting you first, and I didn't get around to that. Maybe next year (which is this year, now)?