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Today I leave to start my dream job at GameSpot

Hello fellow duders. So it's pretty much all in the title but today I am flying out to San Francisco where on Monday I will become a Video Producer for GameSpot. While Giant Bomb has been my gaming home for 8 years now, and of course will continue to be as I love this community, I do actually owe GameSpot for inspiring me to pursue this dream in the first place.

Look at these bright-eyed young fellows.
Look at these bright-eyed young fellows.

Way back in 2006 I discovered On the Spot, the old GameSpot live show. This was when Rich Gallup was hosting and I was instantly hooked. It had this perfect internet feel of being slickly produced but also live and messy. I was just getting into video editing at the time and also even deeper into the world of video games, and it was then I knew that was what I wanted to do. This was gonna be my dream. And I never really stopped having that dream. It grew as a discovered stuff like the 1up Show and eventually Giant Bomb. Hell I bought my own $200 dollar capture card in 2008 so I could record gameplay footage, the first game being Dead Space. I learned film equipment, started a relatively unsuccess YouTube channel, and did a public access show. I’ve gone to PAX East for the last 6 years straight where I have meet people in the industry and gotten advice, the highlight being several years ago when I sat front row for a video producer panel put on by Rich and Vinny.

And now I’m here, somehow about to go do what I’ve always wanted to do, only a year out of college at the age of 23. I would say lucky doesn’t even begin to describe it.

So I’m not keeping this too long because I’m not much of a writer (The job is Video Producer after all), but I just want to thank everyone. I want to thank GameSpot for giving me this opportunity. I want to thank all the people in my life for supporting me, even though they probably aren’t reading this here. And I want to thank you the Giant Bomb community for being a fantastic group of internet people for the last 8 years, and many many more because I’m still gonna be on this stupid website all the time.

And now, a short fun list of goals I have.

  1. Go to Taco Bell with Dan

  2. Play Street Fighter V with Jason (I’ve been attempting to learn recently)

  3. My PAX buddy and fellow duder Chris says he expects me to be on an Unprofessional Fridays within a year’s time so I have to figure that out somehow.

  4. Immediately fuck up and say “GameStop” instead the first time I’m on camera.

Please feel free to suggest more dumb goals and I will attempt to do them.

P.S. Massive shout out to Matt Rorie. It was his twitter post about the job position that I saw and then applied for, using him as a recommendation. Pretty sure I owe you several drinks.