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    Location » linked to 310 games

    Russia is the largest country in the world. Formerly part of the Soviet Union, it is now a Federation with its President Vladimir Putin

    Short summary describing this location.

    Russia last edited by Swedenplayer on 10/15/22 07:34AM View full history


    Russia, with most of its population and cities located within Europe and some population littered around the Asian dominant half, is one of the few countries with its location divided; since the communist party was abolished it was considered a European country though now it can be loosely called Eurasian. Russia is the largest country in the world at 17,075,400 square kilometers. It has a population of just over 142 million people. Russia is a nation of diverse political thought that has varied throughout the years. It was once an empirical monarchy governed by the Romanolf family. After the Russian Revolution in 1917, it became a communist republic that remained in power until the early 1990s.

    The capital of Russia is now Moscow. Before the Russian revolution it was St. Petersburg (which was renamed to Leningrad during the Soviet era).

    Game Appearances

    Russia, as a former Soviet state and a Federation, has made appearances in several games - usually in games themed around warfare / crime. In games such as Call of Duty, Russia is often depicted as enemies of the United States.

    The Metro series depicts a post-apocalyptic Russia that has been ravaged by nuclear war. Those who survived would live in the decaying Metro tunnels below Moscow.

    There have been several Russian game characters: Vladimir Makarov & Viktor Reznov from Call of Duty, Mikhail Faustin & Rodislav Bulgarin from Grand Theft Auto IV, and Artyom from the Metro series are examples of game characters from Russia.

    World War II

    Russia's military played a large war in the Second World War. Russian soldiers were successful in pushing Nazi invaders out of Stalingrad and were the first of the allied forces to make it to Berlin, Germany where they were successful in toppling the Nazi Regime of Adolf Hitler.


    Tetris - NES
    Tetris - NES

    In 1988 the creator of Tetris, Alexis Pajitnov, granted the rights to his famous puzzle game to the Soviet government. For a time it was called "Tetris: The Soviet Mind Game."


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