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All Keighleys’ Companies

It’s that time of the year again. Christmas plus solar New Year approaching and awards for video games being handed out starting with the Keighleys. Between 2017 and 2018, all the video game podcasts I listened to would discuss the meaning of this category: Best Game Direction. The discussion stopped once that award was given to Kojima Productions in 2019 for Death Stranding. Guess Geoff Keighley’s pursuit for the so-called video game auteur had finished its first phase with the award finally going to something branded “A Hideo Kojima Game”. Or maybe it's because we all got a bigger fish to fry by 2020.

While the “Best Game Direction” category did not start until 2016, it got its root back in Keighleys’ Spike days. “Studio of the Year” was introduced to Video Game Awards in 2006 and continued until that award ended in 2013. When the Game Awards got started in 2014, it has a category called “Developer of the Year” and it was quite a mess in the first 2 years. In many ways “Best Game Direction” is a return to form.

So yours truly think instead of their works, why not take a look back at the companies that won those Keighleys? I got some wise to crack when it comes to games I played or for some other reason. Again, just regard this as some mad rumbling of a consumer.

(The introduction above was originally written late November, 2022. I intend to upgrade this yearly. Of course, the Game Award 2022 editing coming very soon)

Edit Note December, 2022:

Added the winners of The Game Awards 2022. Guess there are two more rings, pun not intended, Mr. Keighley placed his kisses on. Congratulations to From and Bandai Namco for taking both. Maybe I will check out Armored Core Six if there is no Soulborne shenanigan in it.

Edit Note December, 2023:

Armored Core Six played and "crowned" by yours truly. And congrats on winning Best Action, under the rag style as it was. Damn, nothing makes the Keighleys more "rigged" than this. 2022's lousy Bayonetta 3 winning just feels like giving Doug Bowser another spot for speech. Oh well, such is life. And I guess it's high time a fluent English speaker like Sam Lake getting on Keighley's auteur list.

List items

  • Studio of the Year 2007 Spike Video Game Award for Rock Band

  • Best Game Direction 2021 the Game Awards for Deathloop, with Arkane Studios

  • Best Game Direction 2021 the Game Awards for Deathloop, with Bethesda Softworks

  • Best Game Direction 2018 the Game Awards for God of War (2018), with SIE Santa Monica Studio. The first time winners take both.

    Best Game Direction 2019 the Game Awards for Death Stranding, with Kojima Productions

    Best Game Direction 2020 the Game Awards for the Last of Us Part II, with Naughty Dog, Inc. The second time winners take both.

    With the way this industry is ran, developers and studios still cannot do anything without publishers. At least not when the games they try to make are Keighleys magnets and expensive polygonal extravaganzas. While Best Studio and Best Developer sound more tangible, Game Direction does not turn out to be as illusive as it sounds. It simply includes the publishers.

    I don’t think the Keighleys is particularly just kissing Sony’s ring, they are just ring-kissers for all the companies that support them.

  • Best Game Direction 2019 the Game Awards for Death Stranding, with Sony Interactive Entertainment.

    Wonder if this is the closest to Academy Awards Hideo Kojima would ever get?

  • Best Game Direction 2018 the Game Awards for God of War (2018), with Sony Interactive Entertainment. The first time winners take both.

  • Best Game Direction 2016 the Game Awards for Overwatch. The fourth time winner take both.

    I remembered the days when Overwatch was just fun lunch break game in 2016. Good old time.

  • Developer of the Year 2015 the Game Awards. The third time winner takes both.

    We can all guess that CDPR was awarded for that third Witcher game, cannot we?

  • Developer of the Year 2014 the Game Awards

    Best Game Direction 2017 the Game Awards for the Legend of Zelda: the Breath of the Wild. The fifth time winner takes both.

    2014’s first Game Awards was quite a mess on the Developer of the Year front. The winner is Nintendo, just Nintendo. It’s too simple on 2 fronts.

    First, the Spike Studio of the Year Awards all had the game the studios worked on stated.

    Second, is Nintendo even a developer here? Mario Kart 8’s developer was listed as “Nintendo EAD”, Super Smash Bros. For Wii U was said to be made by Sora and Namco Bandai. So which Nintendo developer were we talking about there?

    Guess Keighley was paving the way for this Best Director counterpart goes to the al’mighty publishers.

    Edit December 2022:

    Seeing Mr. Doug Bowser taking the trophies on half of Hal Lab and Platinum on the 2022 ceremony certainly brought back memory of Nintendo crowned Dev of Year 2014...

  • Studio of the Year 2013 Spike VGX for the Last of Us

    Best Game Direction 2020 the Game Awards for the Last of Us Part II, with Sony Interactive Entertainment. The second time winners take both.

    Naughty Dog and Rockstar are the 2 studios yours truly think this industry had been way too soft on. Funny enough, while Rockstar’s open world crime epics won every Game of the Year award Spike gave out, the company never got recognized as a good company. Naughty Dog seemed to be handed a bone with Grand Theft Auto V winning GOTY in 2013. Then 7 years late to the LOU party, the Game Awards 2020 was quite a triumph for the Last of Us Part II. Revenge western set in a zombie infested wasteland works like magic to some, but yours truly loathe the original LOU so much that playing its sequel is just out of the question for me.

  • Studio of the Year 2012 Spike Video Game Award for the first season of Walking Dead the Game. The second time winner takes both.

    Yours truly only got halfway through the second episode of Walking Dead’s first season. Again, can anyone truly explain why they love zombie fiction this much?

  • Studio of the Year 2011 Spike Video Game Award for the Elder Scroll V: Skyrim. The first time winner takes both the awards for the works and the companies respectively.

    The Keighleys had the tendency to award Elder Scroll games, with Oblivion awarded in 2006 and Skyrim repeated it 5 years later. But 2011 also saw Bethesda winning the counterpart of Best Director.

  • Studio of the Year 2010 Spike Video Game Award for Mass Effect 2

    I still consider Mass Effect 2 as my favorite game of all time.

  • Studio of the Year 2009 Spike Video Game Award for Batman Arkham Asylum

    (In memory of Kevin Conroy)

    While Batman Arkham Asylum is a serious game through and through, it is funny to think that someone out of Konami beat the Castlevania brand owner to making Symphony of the Night in a 3D space with a pitch of Metal Gear Solid. And the said brand owner would likely never catch up in this imagined race.

  • Studio of the Year 2008 Spike Video Game Award for LittleBigPlanet

  • Studio of the Year 2006 Spike Video Game Award for Gears of War

    The “grumpy grandpa” aspect of yours truly stubbornly thinks that original Gears of War’s third-person over-the-shoulder and cover-based shooting was the last time this industry created a new blend of genres. So kudos to the “Fortnite people” winning the Keighleys a full decade before they created another global phenomenon.

    Edit Note December, 2023:

    Best Game Direction 2023 the Game Awards for Alan Wake 2 with Remedy Entertainment

    Technically speaking, it's Epic Games Publishing, but why not add this one to the Gears maker, heh?

  • Best Game Direction 2022 the Game Awards for Elden Ring with Bandai Namco Entertainment. The third time winners take both.

  • Best Game Direction 2022 the Game Awards for Elden Ring with Fromsoftware, Inc. The third time winners take both.

  • Best Game Direction 2023 the Game Awards for Alan Wake 2 with Epic Games' publishing division