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Which JRPGs you should play first

Since this is my favorite genre, I would like to help people decide which JRPG they should play if they want a starting point in it, and I'm going to do a package for each sub-genre that there is.

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  • You need to ask yourself two questions for this one: 2D or 3D? Story-focused or gameplay-focused?


    Starting point: Chrono Trigger, without question. Easy to pick up, one of the best stories in video games and awesome gameplay with tons of variety.

    If you want more story-focused games: Final Fantasy IV and Final Fantasy VI are definitly the best ones to play after.

    If you want more gameplay-focused games: Super Mario RPG and the Mario & Luigi series are great if you want more interactive gameplay in your game. As well as Final Fantasy V with the amazing job system.

    Other 2D JRPGs to check out: Suikoden II, Radiant Historia, Dragon Quest IV.


    Starting Point: Persona 4

    I would consider Final Fantasy IX and Persona 5 the two best overall packages, but you could play a few others before rushing into those.

    If you enjoyed the story of Persona, you should even go back to Persona 3. Another great story-focused ones are Xenogears or Final Fantasy VII.

    If you want gameplay-focused: Final Fantasy X has a great upgrade and battle system. Dragon Quest VIII has some great art style and overall gameplay.

    Other 3D JRPGs: Rogue Galaxy, Lost Odyssey, Chrono Cross.

    If you just want the more recent games: Lost Sphear, Cosmic Star Heroine, Xenoblade Chronicles and Persona 5 got you covered.

  • Starting point: Fire Emblem: Awakening

    If you want more old-school options: Final Fantasy Tactics has amazing gameplay and story. Front Mission 3, Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together and Shinning Force 2 are also great options. As well as older Fire Emblem games.

    More recent options: Valkyria Chronicles has a very unique style of gameplay. Disgaea 5 and Jeanne D'arc are also good. As well as newer Fire Emblem games.

  • 3D:

    Starting point: Kingdom Hearts

    If you want some challenge: Nioh, Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 are good options.

    If you want some great story-focused game: Nier: Automata or even the first Nier.

    Kingdom Hearts 2 is a great follow up on the original. The "Tales of" series and the Monster Hunter seires are also a good alternative.


    Starting point: Seiken Densetsu 3

    The two other that I would definitly recommend are Terranigma and Legend of Mana. And you can also check out Secret of Mana and Illusion of Gaia.

    If you want the more recent games: Monster Hunter World, Ni No Kuni 2 and Final Fantasy XV got you covered.

  • Starting point: Pokémon SoulSilver

    If you want more Pokémon I would recommend Pokémon OmegaRuby and Pokémon UltraMoon.

    A few series made some spin-offs that have some monster capturing focused gamplay: like Monster Hunter Stories, World of Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest Monsters and a little on Kingdom Hearts 3D.

    A few Pokémon-like games: The Digimon World series, Digimon: Cyber Sleuth, Yo-Kai Watch, Monster Rancher and Fossil Fighters are all good options.

    Some traditional JRPGs with monster capturing mechanics: Dragon Quest V, Jade Cocoon and Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch.

  • If you only want to play Final Fantasy games, I would have 2 ways for you to do it:

    -If you like a full package, with good story telling, atmosphere and soundtrack, I would go: Final Fantasy IV, Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy IX. Then check out XII, X, V and XV in any order.

    -If you don't really care about story, or at least Japanese story telling, I would check: Final Fantasy V and Final Fantasy X first. If you like V better, then check IV, VI and III. If you enjoyed X, then go for the PS1 games. Finishing with XII and XV.