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2022 Top 5

I touched 63+ games in 2022 and probably finished less than half of them but almost all the ones I did were bangers.

It was pretty hard to narrow it down to just 5 this year but I did it and here they are:

List items

  • I probably sank more time into this game than any other this year and uhh... I still haven't beaten it. I'll probably get around to beating it in 2023. I'd say I'm about 80% of the way through and that was enough for it to solidify its spot in this list. What a remarkable game. The sense of exploration and discovery is unrivaled. I still can't believe how big the map is... and mine still isn't filled out. What a game.

  • On the whole, I'm not drawn to visual novel games but there are a few that really hit home. Phoenix Wright, Hotel Dusk, Doki Doki Literature Club, and now Citizen Sleeper. This game really nails the feeling of desperation and has a fleshed out world for you to survive in. These games live and die on their story and from start to finish, it was killer. My ending involved leaving on a ship and it was beautiful. I revisited later on to see the other endings and they were all incredible. It's hard enough to get a single ending right but to nail it over and over is remarkable.

  • I played through this with Amelie and it was one of our favorite co-op gaming experiences. I've never played through a Kirby game and maybe I've been missing out. Creative as hell, gorgeous to look at (even though it's a Switch game), and a story that was engaging for the both of us. What a Nintendo ass Nintendo game in the best way possible.

  • I can't stop playing.

  • lol. I can't believe this is here but here it is. Fortnite is so goddamn good. I don't know how long it's been good for but I ignored it after I tried it years ago and the inclusion of a zero build mode got me to check it out for the shooting and now I'm doing daily missions, subscribing to the battle pass, joining the crew, etc... It's perfect little bite sized pieces of multiplayer shooting with low stakes, high fun, and a constant feeling of progression. Also, it's hooked me with its goofy ass "we have every IP up in here dancing and doing emotes". What a great game.